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Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s

Belongs to Category,

Angilingual tablet contains Glyceryl Trinitrate | belongs to Nitrate

Alternate brands of Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s

Brand Name Price Savings
Webser tablet 2.6 mg 30’s  150.00 You will pay -136.63 more
Sustac tablet 6.4 mg 30’s  270.99 You will pay -257.62 more
Sustac tablet 2.6 mg 30’s  229.31 You will pay -215.94 more
Nitrosust tablet SR 6.4 mg 30’s  188.70 You will pay -175.33 more
Nitrosust tablet SR 2.6 mg 30’s  160.14 You will pay -146.77 more
List of alternate brands

How it works

Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s works by relaxing the blood vessels and by reducing the workload on the heart.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s

  • Difficulty in breathing severe
  • Dizziness and fainting severe
  • Swelling of the eyes, ears, and inside of nose severe
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Coma severe
  • Seizures severe
  • Change in heart rate severe
  • Excessive sweating
  • Flushing
  • Severe chest pain severe
  • Blurred vision
  • Pale and clammy skin

Uses of Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s

What is it prescribed for?

  • Angina pectoris

    This medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of chest pain caused due to reduced blood and oxygen flow to the heart. Angina may be stable (happens after exertion and is short lasting) or unstable (happens in an unpredicted manner and is more severe and long lasting)

  • Hypertension during surgeries

    This medicine is used to control increased blood pressure while a major surgical procedure is performed on a patient.

  • Chronic anal fissures

    This medicine is also used rectally to relieve pain caused due to anal fissures or tears on the wall of the rectum.


Frequently asked questions

  • Onset of action

    The effect of this medicine can be observed within an hour of oral administration. However, this time is subject to vary depending on the route of administration. The effect of this medicine can be observed within minutes of intravenous administration and takes about 30-60 when administered topically.

  • Duration of Effect

    The effect of this medicine lasts for an average duration of 12 hours upon oral administration. This time duration is subject to variations depending on the route of administration.

  • Safe with Alchohol?

    Avoid the use of alcohol while taking this medicine.

  • Is it habit forming?

    No habit forming tendencies were reported.

  • Usage in pregnancy?

    The use of this medicine by pregnant women is not recommended unless necessary and the benefits outweigh the risks involved with use. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.

  • Usage while breast-feeding?

    The use of this medicine is not recommended by breastfeeding women unless necessary. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.

When not to use?

  • Allergy

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you have a known history of allergy to or any nitrate-containing medicines.

  • Anemia

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you have anemia or low levels of hemoglobin in the blood.

  • Glaucoma

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you have an eye condition called closed angle glaucoma.

  • Obstructive heart disease

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you have a condition where the blood vessels in the heart have blockage due to swelling or narrowing.

  • Head trauma/ Increased intracranial pressure

    This medicine is not recommended for use in patients having a severe head injury or the pressure in the brain is elevated.

  • Medicine for erectile dysfunction

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you are taking medicines for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. One of the most commonly used medicines for this condition is viagra (sildenafil),

  • Heparin

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you are being given Heparin for correcting any blood clotting disorder.

General Warnings
  • Other diseaes

    Report the incidence of all other diseases of the heart, lung, thyroid, kidney, liver etc to the doctor before receiving this medicine. All these conditions should be taken into consideration to ensure safe and effective use of this medicine.

  • Fall in blood pressure

    Use of this medicine can cause a fall in blood pressure in general and may make you feel dizzy especially while getting up from lying or sitting position (Postural hypotension).

  • Drowsiness

    Use of this medicine can cause drowsiness and affect the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery. Refrain from performing tasks that require a high level of mental alertness after taking this medicine.

  • Withdrawal symptoms

    Use of this medicine should not be stopped abruptly as the patient is likely to experience some discomfort.

  • Chest pain due to other reasons

    Use of this medicine to treat chest pain associated with other causes like Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscles) is not recommended. The pain may worsen if this medicine is used.

  • Nitrate free interval

    The likelihood of development of drug tolerance is very high if this medicine is taken very regularly. A minimal amount of nitrate free time to avoid tolerance is 10-12 hr/day. The tolerance developed is in general for nitrates and may affect other medicines containing nitrates (cross-tolerance).

  • Methemoglobinemia

    Use of this medicine may affect the red blood cells and cause changes in the hemoglobin resulting in blue colored skin, headache, fatigue, lack of energy etc. Use of this medicine should be discontinued if any such signs and symptoms are experienced.

  • Form and route of administration

    This medicine is available in many forms which can be administered via different routes. You are advised to not change the form and route of administration without consulting a doctor

  • Allergy to other components

    Other components present along with different forms of this medicine may potentially cause an allergic reaction or adverse effects in some people. The intravenous form may contain dextrose and should be carefully administered in diabetics. Similarly, the oral form may contain lactose and may cause an allergic reaction in lactose intolerant people.


  • Missed Dose

    Contact your doctor immediately if you miss a scheduled dose of this medicine.

  • Overdose

    Contact your doctor immediately if an overdose with this medicine is suspected. Symptoms of an overdose may include headache, confusion, fever, change in the heart beat, nausea, vomiting etc.


Interaction with Medicines
  • Amitriptyline moderate
  • Amlodipine severe
  • Prilocaine severe
  • Sildenafil severe
  • Riociguat severe
  • Dihydroergotamine moderate
  • Heparin moderate
Disease interactions
  • severe

    This medicine should be used with extreme caution in patients suffering from a heart attack or heart failure. The use should be preceded by suitable clinical examinations to ensure safe and effective use.

  • severe

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from anemia as the risk of adverse effects are significantly high. Appropriate dose adjustment and safety monitoring must be done in such cases.

  • severe

    This medicine should be used with extreme caution in patients who have low blood pressure. The risk of further lowering of blood pressure and associated adverse effects are significantly high.

General Instructions

Take Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s as instructed by the doctor. The dosage form and route of administration prescribed are specific to your conditions and all related instructions should be followed while using this medicine.

Other details

  • Usage does not depend on food timings
  • To be taken as instructed by doctor
  • May cause sleepiness


Additional Information:

How to use Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s

IV: Must be prepared in glass bottles & use special sets intended for nitroglycerin glass IV bottles & administration sets provided by manufacturer.
Reconstitution: Standard diluent: 50 mg/250 mL D5W; 50 mg/500 mL D5W. Minimum volume: 100 mg/250 mL D5W, concentration should not exceed 400 mcg/mL.
Compatibility: Stable in D5LR, D5 ½NS, D5NS, LR, ½ NS.
Y-site administration:
Drug to Drug IV Compatibility: Acyclovir, amikacin, amiodarone, aztreonam, bumetanide, calcium gluconate, cephazolin, ceftriaxone, cisatracurium, dexamethasone, diltiazem, diphenhydramine, dobutamine, dopamine, enalapril, epinephrine, esmolol, famotidine, fentanyl, fluconazole, furosemide, gentamicin, heparin, hydrocortisone, hydromorphone, imipenem, insulin regular, labetalol, linezolid, lorazepam, magnesium sulphate, methylprednisolone, metoclopramide, midazolam, milrinone, morphine, nitroprusside, norepinephrine, ondansetron, phenylephrine, piperacillin/tazobactam, propofol, ranitidine, tobramycin, vancomycin, vasopressin, vecuronium.
Drug to Drug IV Incompatibility: Alteplase, lansoprazole, levofloxacin.
When admixed: Dose is variable and may require titration, therefore it is not advisable to mix with other agents. Incompatible with hydralazine, phenytoin.
Stability: Store nitroglycerin for injection at controlled room temperature of 15°C-30°C (59°F-86°F). Discard unused portion. Protect from freezing and light. Store premixed nitroglycerin with dextrose at room temperature (25°C), however, brief exposure up to 40°C does not adversely affect the product. Avoid excessive heat and protect from freezing.

what are the adverse effects of Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s?

Postural hypotension, tachycardia (but paradoxical bradycardia also reported); throbbing headache, dizziness; less commonly nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flushing, asthaenia, fainting, tachycardia, GI upset, syncope, temporary hypoxaemia, rash, application site reactions with transdermal patches; very rarely angle-closure glaucoma. Injection Specific side-effects include severe hypotension, diaphoresis, apprehension, restlessness, muscle twitching, retrosternal discomfort, palpitation, abdominal pain; prolonged administration has been associated with methaemoglobinaemia.

What happens if I miss a dose of Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s?

AEROSOL (Sprays: Translingual): Acute attack: Adults: 1 or 2 doses; max 3 per attack. Exercise-induced angina: Adults: 1 or 2 doses before exertion. Hold canister to mouth, spray under tongue and close mouth immediately. Precautions: Patients should not inhale spray. Children: Not recommended.
INJECTION: IV: Adults: 5 mcg/min, increase by 5 mcg/min every 3-5 min to 20 mcg/min; if no response at 20 mcg/min increase by 10 mcg/min every 3-5 min, up to 200 mcg/min.
Pulmonary hypertension: Children: Continuous infusion: Start 0.25-0.5 mcg/kg/min and titrate by 1 mcg/kg/min at 20 to 60 min intervals to desired effect. Usual dose: 1-3 mcg/kg/min; max 5 mcg/kg/min.
ORAL: Adults: 2.5-9 mg 2-4 times daily up to 26 mg 4 times/day. Children: Not recommended.
ORAL: BUCCAL: Adults: Initial 1 mg every 3-5 hr while awake (3 times day); titrate dosage upward if angina occurs with tablet in place. Children: Not recommended.
ORAL: SUBLINGUAL: Adults: 0.2-0.6 mg every 5 min for max of 3 doses in 15 min; may also be used prophylactically 5-10 min prior to activities which may provoke an attack. Children: Not recommended.
PATCH (Transdermal): Adults: Initial 0.2-0.4 mg/hr; titrate to doses of 0.4-0.8 mg/hr; tolerance is minimized by using a patch-on period of 12-14 hr and patch-off period of 10-12 hr. Children: Not recommended.

One of the following licensed pharmacy from the nearest location will deliver Angilingual tablet 0.5 mg 30’s. The details of the licensed pharmacy shall be shared once you request the drugs and the respective pharmacy accepts your request based on valid prescription and availability.

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