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ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s

Paroxetine:25mg | Drugs used in depression

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ROXET CR 25mg Tablet 30s  735.00 You can save 465
APPEASE CR 25mg Tablet 30s  735.00 You can save 465
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Manufactured / Marketed By : Shrooq Product Form : TabletPack Size : 30sIngredients : Paroxetine:25mgGeneric Category : Drugs used in depression

How it works

ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s treats depression and other mental illnesses by increasing the amount of serotonin, a natural substance in the brain that helps maintain mental balance.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s

  • Suicidal thinking and behaviour
  • Irregular heartbeat rare
  • Shaking of the hands or feet
  • Dizziness when getting up suddenly from a sitting position
  • Chills or cold sweats rare
  • Blurred vision rare
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Dry mouth and lips
  • Constipation
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Decreased sexual urge
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Rapid weight gain/loss
  • Photosensitivity
  • Unusual bleeding or bruising
  • Racing thoughts
  • Reckless behavior rare
  • Unusual tiredness and weakness

Uses of ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s

What is it prescribed for?

  • Depression

    This medicine is used for the treatment of acute episodes of depression associated with chemical imbalance in the brain.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

    This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of social anxiety disorder like extreme fear of being watched, red face or blushing, avoiding social situations and staying quite.

  • Panic disorder

    This medicine is used for the treatment of panic disorder and associated symptoms like overwhelming anxiety and fear coupled with increased heart rate, trembling, numbness and tingling sensation.

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

    This medicine is used to treat depression, tension, and irritability occurring 5-11 days before the start of a menstrual cycle.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    This medicine is used for the treatment of a disorder where a person is driven to do compulsive tasks caused by obsessive thoughts.

  • Post traumatic stress disorder

    This medicine is used for the treatment of anxiety, sleeplessness and other behavioral changes after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

    This medicine is used for the treatment of general anxiety caused due to excessive thinking about life, work, relationships etc.

  • Postmenopausal symptoms

    This medicine is used to treat symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, fear etc associated with menopause in women.


Frequently asked questions

  • Onset of action

    The amount of time required for this medicine to show its action is not clinically established.

  • Duration of Effect

    The amount of time for which this medicine remains active in the body is not clinically established.

  • Safe with Alchohol?

    Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with this medicine due to the increased risk of serious adverse effects. These side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, breathing difficulties, etc. Avoid performing activities that need high mental alertness like driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery if alcohol and this medicine are used together.

  • Is it habit forming?

    No habit forming tendencies were reported.

  • Usage in pregnancy?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless absolutely necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.

  • Usage while breast-feeding?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.

When not to use?

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)

    This medicine is not recommended for use while a MAOI medicine (Rasagiline/Selegiline/methylene blue etc.) is being consumed. This medicine should be consumed at least 14 days after stopping the use of MAOI medicines.

  • Thioridazine

    This medicine is not recommended for use if the patient is taking Thioridazine (a medicine used to treat schizophrenia) due to the increased risk of adverse effects.

  • Pimozide

    This medicine is not recommended for use if the patient is taking Pimozide (anti-psychotic medicine) due to the increased risk of adverse effects.

  • Allergy

    This medicine is not recommended for use if you a known history of allergy to ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s or any other inactive ingredients present in the formulation.


Warnings for special population
  • Pregnancy

    This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless absolutely necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.

  • Breast-feeding

    This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.

General Warnings
  • Suicidal thinking and behavior

    Use of this medicine may cause suicidal thought and change the behavior of the user. This risk is increasingly high in young patients. It is recommended to screen the patient for such behavior before starting the treatment. Any change in behavior and thought process after taking this medicine should be reported to the doctor immediately.

  • Serotonin syndrome

    Use of this medicine with other medicines to treat depression may cause nausea, agitation, seizures and hallucinations (symptoms of serotonin syndrome)

  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

    Use of this medicine may cause Neuroleptic malignant syndrome characterized by high fever, muscle stiffness, extreme changes in blood pressure, excessive sweating and salivation. The use of this medicine should be stopped as soon as these side effects are experienced.

  • Hypertension

    Use of this medicine is associated with a sharp increase in blood pressure levels. Regular monitoring of blood pressure levels is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

  • Bleeding disorders

    Use of this medicine may cause unusual bleeding and bruising and hence should be used with caution in patients suffering from bleeding disorders. Use of medicines that are known to cause gastrointestinal bleeding, (example: aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen etc), should be avoided while taking ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s .

  • Glaucoma

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from angle closure glaucoma. The symptoms of this disease may worsen upon using ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s and hence caution is advised.

  • Seizure disorder

    Seizure disorder

  • Manic episodes

    Use of this medicine may cause agitation and aggressive behavior in some patients. The patient should be screened for bipolar disorder before starting the treatment course with this medicine.

  • Heart disease

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from a heart or blood vessel disorder. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

  • Hyponatremia

    This medicine may cause hyponatremia in some patients. This risk is especially high in the elderly population and in patients who are volume-depleted or taking diuretics. Close monitoring of blood pressure and sodium levels is recommended for such patients. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

  • Bone fractures

    Use of this medicine has been associated with an increase in the incidence of bone fractures. Report any incidence of bone pain to the doctor while taking ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s .

  • Driving or Operating machinery

    This medicine may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some patients. It is advised that you do not perform any activities that require high mental alertness like driving a vehicle or operating machinery if you experience any of these symptoms during treatment with this medicine.

  • Sexual dysfunction

    Use of this medicine may cause sexual dysfunction. These dysfunctions may include a decrease in libido, erectile disorders, or painful orgasm.

  • Withdrawal symptoms

    This medicine may cause withdrawal symptoms if the usage is stopped abruptly. This risk is especially higher after prolonged usage of this medicine. The treatment should be withdrawn gradually under the close supervision of your doctor. Do not stop the use of this medicine without consulting your doctor.

  • Pediatric use

    This medicine is not recommended for use in patients below 18 years of age since the safety and efficacy of use are not clinically established.

  • Use in elderly

    This medicine should be used with extreme caution in the elderly population due to the increased risk of unusual adverse effects.


  • Missed Dose

    Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If the next scheduled dose is less than 4 hours away, then the missed dose should be skipped.

  • Overdose

    Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.


Interaction with Medicines
  • Linezolid severe
  • Lithium severe
  • Ondansetron severe
  • Warfarin moderate
  • Aspirin moderate
Disease interactions
  • moderate

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from kidney diseases due to the increased risk of severe adverse effects. Close monitoring of kidney function tests is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

  • moderate

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients with a known history of glaucoma due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition. Replacement with a suitable alternative should be considered based on the clinical condition of the patient.

  • moderate

    This medicine may cause an increase in the blood pressure levels and hence should be used with caution in patients with hypertension. The blood pressure level should be constantly monitored before and during the course of treatment.

  • moderate

    This medicine should be used with caution in patients with an impaired liver function. Suitable dose adjustments should be made based on the severity of impairment.

General Instructions

This medicine should be used with caution in patients with an impaired liver function. Suitable dose adjustments should be made based on the severity of impairment.

Other details

  • Can be taken with or without food, as advised by your doctor
  • To be taken as instructed by doctor
  • May cause sleepiness


Additional Information:

One of the following licensed pharmacy from the nearest location will deliver ZARA 25mg Tablet 30s. The details of the licensed pharmacy shall be shared once you request the drugs and the respective pharmacy accepts your request based on valid prescription and availability.

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